Plastic vs. Plancton
an exhibition with sea view
in the cargobar Basel
The COUP-artist network illustrates with its work the acute problem of marine litter pollution. The objects are all made out of trash found on beaches!
The birds Ave Plastikvs, a creation of NiA, point in a refreshing way to the problem that annually innumerable birds with plastic-filled stomachs are starving to death miserably! She combines science, fine arts and design, and thus clarifies rational as well as emotional about the consequences of our consumption!
The improvisioneer Tobi does his work with the same motives. He visualizes as a video artist and performer the subject - his ideas leap on him mostly whyle surfing.
2.11. – 24.11.2013
† O † CEAN
We illustrate with our work the acute problem of marine
litter pollution, so we create from trash found while beachcleanings. The ingenious masks by Moussa Ba from Senegal, animals by Tobi and Nia, a permanent
video installation as well as various short and spontaneous performances by
TP Pain expected you in the bar at the riverside of the
We were able to see how the Cargobar converted for three weeks into an
aquarium which was, during the last calling auction, fished out, similar to the real ocean in pretty much one
It was exciting to discuss with you all, and we look forward to more such brilliant events.
24.11.2013 PolyMEER - Plastik vs Plankton Finissage und Auktion
The grandiose evening was opened with TPPain's classic Po polymeer, supported by DJ James Bubble. Followed by the auction in favor of the association COUP. Half of the collected money was donated the COUP project Atelier de Recyclage in N'dayane in Senegal. Thanks to all the buyers, it was an awesome evening, MERCIE !
We specially like to thank the cargo-TEAM and all the diligent ants in the background, without you this exhibition would have never happend!