COUP Art Corner


2020: Paz y nonviolencia

2017: Trash in the trees

2017: SOS

2016: micro2016

2015: POWER

2014: wehavethepower

2013: PolyMEER


La ola perfecta
Download the digital Comic from our friends Surf and Clean
in spanisch and enjoy the story of THE PERFECT WAVE
la ola perfecta..pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 7.6 MB

Sotano Arrieta 2016 - 2017

COUP WhaleTales by NiArt and T.P.Pain, Barstro Exhibition Power

WhaleTales by NiA and T.P.Pain


Story telling without using any words, this is the WhaleTales. Made of lost resources found at Famara beach, Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spain. It has been exposed at the Power exhibition at Barstro, Nazaret and if not sold it will tell more stories at other art shows.

Inspired by the shape of the toyota car door lining that we found at one of our beach clean up´s we recreated it to WhaleTales! It´s stomach is full of microplastics that we´ve put into a bottle and placed it in the door opener. It´s whalebone is a tattered piece of rope and it is, how come, tangeld in a fishing net. The sad truth is that we trash our oceans and alltough we know, we still continue. This is what the whale is telling you, that we belong all together on this wonderfull planet and, of course, he want´s you to close the cycle!

MAsk made from Ressources found at Popenguine Beachcleanup, COUP Artist Moussa BA


Moussa organises Beachcleanups for COUP in Senegal. His brilliant Artwork is made out of the resources he finds at the 3 nearby beaches of his village, Popenguine. Stunning masks, collages and paintings, check the Link above or Moussas Facebook!

gArtelier Tao 2012 - 2015


COUP, Cleaner Ocean Upcycling Productions, Basel, Lanzarote, Atlantic, Oceancleaneers, beachclean, litter, fight against pollution, limpieza de playa


Tobi Heeb aka T.P.Pain at cargobar COUP LitterKiller crowdfunding in action


Winner of COUP Trashy Triathlon Basel
Seestrern Starfisch COUP Lanzarote Canarias Beachcleanup Trashart

Abfall = Ressource

COUP, Lanzarote, JOY, Surfboards,  Microplastic, #Famara, Beach

Surf and Clean

...Stand 2011...

 Stand 2025

10 Tonnen pro Jahr

#COUP, , COUP, Cleaner Ocean Upcycling Productions, Surf, clean, beach ,wave playa COUP ocean upcycling art trash, COUP, Cleaner Ocean Upcycling Productions let´s close the cycle
COUP, Beachclea, beachcleanup, Lanzarote Limpia, Lanzarote, 100 anos, manrique, limpieza de playa, playa el risco
performance, naked in the dirt


T.P.Pain, COUP, ARTBasel

fight for nature

COUP, Cleaner Ocean Upcycling Productions

Don't litter

stay COUP

stay CLEAN

Art, Mask, COUP, selfie, beachclean


Menschen, Strand, beach, Lanzarote, Playa, Famara, COUP
COUP , Lanzarote Limpia, Menschenkette, cadena, solidaria, beachcleanup, Lanzarote
COUP, Cleaner Ocean Upcycling Productions

 be the


you want

to SEA

COUP, Ave Plasticvs @ cargobar Basel COUP Cleaner Ocean Upcycling Productions More Profit Organisation
COUP Lanzarote Nasas Basel Davos Nia Tobi


Hasta la limpieza siempre

Orozola, Lanzarote, SOS , COUP, Beach, Playa, People, Beachclean

für weniger Abfall

Trash, Surf, Wave, Cleanup, Beach, Lanzarote Limpia, COUP


COUP, Beachcleanup, Famara Limpia, Playa, Cleaner Ocean Upcycling Productions COUP Cleaner Ocean Upcycling Productions More Profit Organisation Beachcleaners

Let´s close the cycle

COUP Trashy Triathlon

Change behaviors

pro, Surfer, cleaning, beach, surfing, COUP, beachclean, Lanzarote
COUP, Moussa Ba, Senegal @ cargobar Basel COUP Cleaner Ocean Upcycling Productions More Profit Organisation


Trashstuntperformance, COUP, SOS Lanzaroe, Tobi Heeb, T.P.Pain, Björn Bear