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Leider kein April-Scherz: 

Vor den beiden kanarischen Inseln Lanzarote und Fuerteventura plant der spanische Ölmulti Repsol neun Offshoreplatformen zu bauen. Am 16.3.2012, dem sogenannten "Black Friday" stimmte das spanische Parlament dem aberwitzigen Vorhaben zu! Dies obwohl sich auf den beiden betroffenen Inseln heftigster Widerstand der Einheimischen regt. Lanzarote ist UNESCO - Biosphärenreservat und der Norden der Insel ist das grösste Marine-Reservat von ganz Europa! Wir von COUP finden es schade und unerhört, dass wiedereinmal die Bevölkerung übergangen und die Natur unter wirtschaftlichen Profit gestellt wird! Mehr sowie detailliertere Infos findet ihr auf der Facebookseite unserer Freunde vom Cleanoceanprojekt.


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Stay COUP, Stay Clean



Euer Tobi

On the black Friday* the Spanish Government has approved the proposal from the enterprise Repsol for oil prospecting in the Canary Islands. This company plans to use for the drilling 616.060 hectare of the east coast of Fuerteventura and Lanzarote, amount of nearly 2.5 times the size of these two islands. Apart from benefiting Repsol there’s no reason to install oil rigs in this area. However there are plenty of reasons against oil prospecting in the Central Atlantic:
- The area belongs to the Natural Reserve of Biosphere and in 2004 the Maritime International Organization declared this part of the ocean as especially sensitive.
- Crystal clear water in the area, white sand beaches and surroundings will be clearly polluted.
- Different species of cetacean, turtles, fish and thousands of invertebrates live and eat from the ground coral that will be destroyed if the drilling is allowed.
- Nearly one third of the species living in this part of the ocean are endemic.
- The chances of oil spill when drilling in deep waters are extremely high.
- The main income of the two islands is based on the tourism that enjoys the coast line and beaches.
- All water used in Fuerteventura and Lanzarote comes from the ocean, after being desalinated.
- Why using petrol when sun, wind and ocean power can be used instead?
- Citizens and local government from the Islands are totally opposed to the project but the central government ignores the fact.
- The constant burning of toxic gases will increase global warming, a worldwide concern.
- Repsol is known for cheating on the environmental measures taken in oil prospecting and has been involved in 7000 oil spills in the last 5 years.

*Friday 16th of March

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COUP, Cleaner Ocean Upcycling Productions, Basel, Lanzarote, Atlantic, Oceancleaneers, beachclean, litter, fight against pollution, limpieza de playa


Tobi Heeb aka T.P.Pain at cargobar COUP LitterKiller crowdfunding in action


Winner of COUP Trashy Triathlon Basel
Seestrern Starfisch COUP Lanzarote Canarias Beachcleanup Trashart

Abfall = Ressource

COUP, Lanzarote, JOY, Surfboards,  Microplastic, #Famara, Beach

Surf and Clean

...Stand 2011...

 Stand 2025

10 Tonnen pro Jahr

#COUP, , COUP, Cleaner Ocean Upcycling Productions, Surf, clean, beach ,wave playa COUP ocean upcycling art trash, COUP, Cleaner Ocean Upcycling Productions let´s close the cycle
COUP, Beachclea, beachcleanup, Lanzarote Limpia, Lanzarote, 100 anos, manrique, limpieza de playa, playa el risco
performance, naked in the dirt


T.P.Pain, COUP, ARTBasel

fight for nature

COUP, Cleaner Ocean Upcycling Productions

Don't litter

stay COUP

stay CLEAN

Art, Mask, COUP, selfie, beachclean


Menschen, Strand, beach, Lanzarote, Playa, Famara, COUP
COUP , Lanzarote Limpia, Menschenkette, cadena, solidaria, beachcleanup, Lanzarote
COUP, Cleaner Ocean Upcycling Productions

 be the


you want

to SEA

COUP, Ave Plasticvs @ cargobar Basel COUP Cleaner Ocean Upcycling Productions More Profit Organisation
COUP Lanzarote Nasas Basel Davos Nia Tobi


Hasta la limpieza siempre

Orozola, Lanzarote, SOS , COUP, Beach, Playa, People, Beachclean

für weniger Abfall

Trash, Surf, Wave, Cleanup, Beach, Lanzarote Limpia, COUP


COUP, Beachcleanup, Famara Limpia, Playa, Cleaner Ocean Upcycling Productions COUP Cleaner Ocean Upcycling Productions More Profit Organisation Beachcleaners

Let´s close the cycle

COUP Trashy Triathlon

Change behaviors

pro, Surfer, cleaning, beach, surfing, COUP, beachclean, Lanzarote
COUP, Moussa Ba, Senegal @ cargobar Basel COUP Cleaner Ocean Upcycling Productions More Profit Organisation


Trashstuntperformance, COUP, SOS Lanzaroe, Tobi Heeb, T.P.Pain, Björn Bear